
SSH-DAuth: Secret Sharing based Decentralized OAuth using Decentralized Identifier

Published in , 2023

OAuth2.0 is a Single Sign-On (SSO) approach that helps to authenticate and authorize users to log into multiple applications without re-entering the credentials. In this model, the data are stored in a central repository completely controlled by the OAuth service provider, which may lead to third-party fraud and identity theft.

Recommended citation: Prudhvi Krishna Danda, Ramaguru Radhakrishnan, Praveen Kanakkath et al. SSH-DAuth: Secret Sharing based Decentralized OAuth using Decentralized Identifier, 10 May 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square []

Distributed Ledger Framework for an Adaptive University Management System

Published in , 2022

The true power and the state of any technology are best known during difficult times. The yet-to-over COVID-19 lockdown has unleashed the power of online and remote modes of learning, evaluation, and working. The universities and educational institutions worldwide faced their big-time challenge in delivering, managing, evaluating their student’s learning progress. The need for an online-virtual-remote learning platform has become inevitable, which comes with a multitude of challenges, including usability, security, privacy, and real-time adoption.

Recommended citation: Sivadanam Y.L., Ramaguru R., Sethumadhavan M. (2022) Distributed Ledger Framework for an Adaptive University Management System. In: Chaki N., Devarakonda N., Cortesi A., Seetha H. (eds) Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 99. pp. 295-306. Springer, Singapore.

Evaluation of Wireless Access Point Security and Best Practices for Mitigation

Published in , 2022

The necessity for safeguarding wireless networks has increased due to an increase in the number of associated cyber-attacks on unsecured and weak wireless networks. It is critical for individuals, homeowners, and businesses to protect their wireless networks from external hackers. Wardriving is the act of an attacker foraging for wireless networks while driving a vehicle or while using a laptop or a smartphone. It is an efficient method for gathering information about nearby Wireless Access Points (WAPs), which aids in the analysis of a particular WAPs weakness.

Recommended citation: A. M. Thomas, G. A. Kumaran, R. Ramaguru, R. Harish and K. Praveen, "Evaluation of Wireless Access Point Security and Best Practices for Mitigation," 2021 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), 2021, pp. 422-427, doi: 10.1109/ICEECCOT52851.2021.9707914.

Open-Source Cryptocurrency Forensic Framework

Published in , 2022

In 2008, an unnamed person or group with the pseudonym ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ introduced Bitcoin through a Whitepaper “A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. Since then, both the number of users and the value of Bitcoin have grown. Bitcoin also introduced the concept of Blockchain Technology, which has now broadened to cover industries such as supply chain management, crowdfunding, open governance, education credentialing, health care, digital rights management, and Automotive

Recommended citation: Anuhya G, Ramaguru R (2022). "Open-Source Cryptocurrency Forensic Framework." Digital 4N6. vol 4 issue 1. pp 20-26. Digital 4N6.

Distributed Identity and Verifiable Claims Using Ethereum Standards

Published in , 2022

Identity management is an inevitable part of the proper delivery of schemes and services to individuals by the government and private organizations. Identity management encompasses the creation and maintenance of identity. It ensures that the right entity gains access to the right resources at the right time for verification. It also involves providing high security, privacy, productivity, and enhanced user experience.

Recommended citation: Thomas A.M., Ramaguru R., Sethumadhavan M. (2022) Distributed Identity and Verifiable Claims Using Ethereum Standards. In: Ranganathan G., Fernando X., Shi F. (eds) Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 311. Springer, Singapore.

Medical Records Management Using Distributed Ledger and Storage

Published in , 2021

In the last decade, blockchain technology has seen adoption to infinite domains, health care sector is one of the major domains where there are a greater opportunity and advantage to leverage the benefits of distributed ledgers in storing and securing patient medical records. The Government of India (GoI) is also very keen on digitization in addition to their wider adoption of blockchain technology to serve the citizens by ensuring their privacy and security of personally sensitive.

Recommended citation: Anjum S., Ramaguru R., Sethumadhavan M. (2021) Medical Records Management Using Distributed Ledger and Storage. In: Singh M., Tyagi V., Gupta P.K., Flusser J., Ören T., Sonawane V.R. (eds) Advances in Computing and Data Sciences. ICACDS 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1441. Springer, Cham.

Blockchain Framework for Social Media DRM Based on Secret Sharing

Published in , 2020

Huge adoption of the Internet into our daily lives generates at least few MBs of data. Social media in modern age enabled every single user with a smartphone and Internet to be a marketer, journalist, publisher and content creator. Ensuring protection and copyright of social media data like images, videos and audios are extremely demanding. Copyright infringement happens easily, and protecting the content for its originality and authenticity should be simplified.

Recommended citation: Kripa M., Nidhin Mahesh A., Ramaguru R., Amritha P.P. (2021) Blockchain Framework for Social Media DRM Based on Secret Sharing. In: Senjyu T., Mahalle P.N., Perumal T., Joshi A. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems. ICTIS 2020. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 195. Springer, Singapore.

Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles

Published in , 2019

Recent advancements in the Internet of Things and mobile internet helped the development of traditional Vehicular Adhoc-NETwork (VANET) based systems into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). Vehicles in IoV make decisions based on the information from other vehicles and roadside infrastructure. This information helps them make critical decisions and alert the user about unpredictable situations. Security and privacy concerns in vehicles are increasing, hence it is important to address these issues, thus preventing malicious nodes transmitting falsified information or tampering critical communication data.

Recommended citation: Ramaguru R., Sindhu M., Sethumadhavan M. (2019) Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles. In: Singh M., Gupta P., Tyagi V., Flusser J., Ören T., Kashyap R. (eds) Advances in Computing and Data Sciences. ICACDS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1045. Springer, Singapore.

Blockchain based Waste Management

Published in , 2019

The environment is the most sought-after topic for discussion in global forums because of the alarming threat it faces. Waste Management is one of the major challenges after global warming that affects the environment and harmony of nature. Government and non-governmental organisations are working towards solutions for better waste management. Though in present-day technology is part of waste management, it is not an integral part of waste management in many countries. Current technology only helps in reducing manual intervention by automating waste collection and transportation. It also helps in the disposal of non-useful waste and recycles/reuse useful waste by converting them into raw materials. People are the major part of the waste management cycle, so without their involvement, it is extremely difficult to make any technology-based system successful. People’s involvement in waste management would increase if they are incentivized for proper segregation of wastes, reusing, recycling, disposal and even for spreading awareness. The supportive technology should automatically monitor waste management cycle, record important actions and react accordingly.

Recommended citation: Gopalakrishnan, Preethi, and R. Ramaguru. "Blockchain based waste management." International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8.5 (2019): 2632-2635.